Marsha Danzig – Color Me Yoga

“All of us, no matter our circumstances, have a right to feel and experience joy.”

marsha danzig color me yoga founder

Marsha Danzig, founder of Color Me Yoga and Yoga for Amputees

This is the guiding belief of Marsha Danzig and it has led her into the creation of yoga for kids programs (Color Me Yoga) which she also teaches to others so that they may work with children, especially children with special needs. Her workshops are known not only nationally, but internationally as well due to their on-line availability.
Facing personal hardships such as a below the knee amputation at age 13 due to cancer and chemotherapy-caused kidney damage and eventual transplant, yoga became her bridge to connecting her physical and spiritual self and reach out to others who need to discover and reach their potential.

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Giles Duley – Photographer

This is the first in our series of Inspirations – people who meet their physical challenges head on and build their strengths.

Giles Duley is a photographer. Starting as a fashion and music industry photographer, he became disenchanted with where his art had led him and found a calling in working with humanitarian groups – showing the world people who have faced adversity  and found their resilience.

Giles Duley, Photographer - Self Portrait

Giles Duley – Self-portrait


In 2011, while working with the 75th Cavalry Regiment, United States Army in Afghanistan, Duley stepped on an improvised explosive device. He was severely injured, losing both legs and an arm, as well as enduring severe internal injuries.

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