Spinal orthoses are often prescribed for conditions such as cerebral palsy, osteoporosis, scoliosis, spinal injuries and muscular dystrophy and also may be recommended after spinal surgery.
The Providence Orthosis by Spinal Technology is a hyper corrective orthosis that is worn at night to treat adolescent ideopathic scoliosis. The Providence Nocturnal Scoliosis System combines the precise grid coordinates of the patented measuring board and utilization of a CAD/CAM system to effectively establish consistent spinal modification strategies. Spinal Technology is the exclusive manufacturer of the Providence Nocturnal Scoliosis Orthosis

Boston Brace for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, Early Onset or Infantile Idiopathic Scoliosis, Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis and Neuromuscular Scoliosis. Dose monitors, small thermal sensors that record the internal temperature of the brace, are now available from Boston Brace. (iButton). These monitors provide valuable information that will help patients see their actual wear time and patterns

Charleston Bending Brace for the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis. The Charleston Bending Brace is a nocturnal only treatment. Nocturnal Treatments take advantage of non-weight bearing sleep postures to manipulate the pelvis.
Other Spinal Conditions
The TLSO is a Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral Orthosis and the LSO is a shorter orthosis, not covering the thoracic area of the spine. A spinal orthotic (brace) is referred to as a Body Jacket when it is made of a rigid plastic shell that encircles the trunk with overlapping edges and stabilizing closures and provides a high degree of immobility.
At Sunshine Prosthetics and Orthotics, we will custom fit these spinal orthothoses to your child’s shape, needs and comfort.
These orthoses are by Boston Brace – they are available in TLSO or LSO and with openings on the front, back or bivalve.
We also offer spinal orthoses by Spinal Technology. Some of them have a Flex Foam™ patented design which combines the rigidity of a traditional orthosis with the comfort level of a soft body jacket and a removable external jacket for ease of adjustment.