Sunshine Prosthetics and Orthotics offers customization of a full range of prosthetics for both Adult and Pediatric patients.
We will fit them for your individual needs to maximize your abilities and comfort.
We are fully credentialed in Prosthetics by the State of New Jersey and by the American Board for Certification in Prosthetics and Orthotics.
Sunshine Prosthetics & Orthotics owner Brooke Artesi, CPO, LPO, has specialized certifications to make
Sunshine P & O the ONLY facility in Northern New Jersey with:
the Omega 3D Scanner to create faster, more comfortable scans and expert form fitting prosthetics and orthotics.
iLimb prosthetic hand fitting
Lower Limb Prosthetics
- Partial foot amputation – removal of one or more toes, affecting walking and balance.
- Ankle disarticulation – amputation of the foot at the ankle.
- Below knee amputations (transtibial) – amputation of the leg below the knee that retains the use of the knee joint.
- Through the knee amputations – removal of the lower leg and knee joint. Whole femur is retained.
- Above knee amputation (transfemoral) – amputation of the leg above the knee joint.

Upper Limb Prosthetics
- Finger or partial hand amputation
- Wrist disarticulation – Amputation in the wrist joint
- Transradial – Forearm amputation
- Elbow disarticulation – Amputation in the elbow joint
- Transhumeral – Upper arm amputation
- Shoulder disarticulation – Amputation in the shoulder joint

Upper Limb – Adult Upper Limb – Pediatric