You can download our Guide for Managing Your Prosthesis for helpful answers to common problems.
For more information, visit our Prosthetic FAQs page.
At Sunshine Prosthetics and Orthotics, we know that children present different challenges than adults. They are continually growing and because of this, the size and shape of their residual limb is always changing. Ill fitting prosthetics can cause pain and injury. A rugged device is necessary to keep up with their play activities.
There are 2 basic categories of functional prosthetics for children: Active and Passive.
Passive prosthetics closely resembles the natural body part it is replacing, while also providing some basic functional capabilities such as pushing and balancing. They are generally lighter in weight than active prosthetics because they do not have any electronic or mechanical moving parts.
Active prosthetics enable the user to grasp and manipulate objects. There are several options available to you, ranging from body-powered hooks to advanced, electrically powered prosthetic fingers, hands or arms. Within the Active prosthetic group, there are 2 types of power driving the movements – harnessing and movement of body muscles (body powered) and electrically powered, with small batteries and motors (externally powered).
All of the prosthetics shown below can be customized for your child. We will help find and fit the best prosthetic for your child’s needs.
i-Limb Ultra by Touch Bionics

Ottobock Michelangelo

Alternative Prosthetic Services
Alternative Prosthetic Services is an on-site restoration service providing custom form-fitting silicone rubber prostheses for a variety of amputations. The prostheses that they create are highly realistic in appearance, replicating each patient’s unique skin texture, color, and anatomy.