
Why does a child with scoliosis need a brace?

A brace is an effective nonsurgical way to prevent the curve from getting larger. Braces are usually prescribed for children who are still growing and the curves have exceeded 25 degrees.

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What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine into a “C” or “S” shape.  One hip may be higher than the other or one shoulder raised, or the child may lean to one side.  There is congenital scoliosis which is caused by vertebral anomalies,  idiopathic scoliosis which may not have an identifiable cause or neuromuscular, which has developed as a symptom of another condition such as cerebral palsy, physical trauma, spina bifida.

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What is a spinal orthotic?

A spinal orthotic device (orthosis) is an external apparatus that is applied to the body to limit the motion of, correct deformity in, reduce axial loading on, or improve the function of a particular spinal segment of the body.  This includes the area from the lower spine to the cervical (neck) area.  They are used to stabilize the spine after surgery and healing fractured vertebrae.

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How long will the prosthesis last?

Lifetime of a prosthesis varies depending on the specific limb, usage, and your age, but it is typically 3-5 years.  During the first year of recovery after amputation, parts of your “temporary” prosthesis may have to be replaced, usually the portion that surrounds your residual limb.  This piece is called the “socket”.  Your limb will change in size during the first year as part of the normal healing process (“limb maturation”) and the socket may be replaced several times.

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Are prosthetics covered by insurance?

While most medical insurance coverage will include prosthetic limbs with a prescription from your doctor, it is best to check your policy and call your insurance company to be sure.

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