
How Often Will My Child Need a New Prosthesis?

Replacing the prothesis every time the child grows (ie every few months) can be a mistake because it takes several months for the child to get adapted to a new prosthesis. The good news is that there are adjustable features which can be built into a prosthesis for a child to make minor adjustments until a whole new device is needed. In addition, a new prosthesis for a child may come with padding built in which can be adjusted to accommodate growth. Sometimes the length can also be adjusted to match the length of the other limb. A new prosthesis may be required in cases where there is a significant change in body weight, skin ulceration, bone overgrowth or trauma to the residual limb. Your Sunshine Prosthetics & Orthotics prosthetist is able to tell you when a change is necessary.

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Should children or parents decide when to wear prostheses?

There should be a balance between these two which will change as the child grows. Small children will need the guidance from their parents; as they become teenagers, they will want to make their own decisions. At this point they will also be more influenced by peers, and amputee role models.

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What is a Charleston Brace?

A Charleston brace is a nighttime brace, worn while sleeping.  This type of brace is also called a "nighttime" brace because it is only worn while sleeping.

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What is an LSO?

LSO stands for Lumbar-Sacral orthosis, restricting movement and reducing stress on the spine.

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What is a CTLSO?

CTLSO stands for cervical-thoracic-lumbar-sacral orthosis.  It can be custom molded and fitted to support a weak or damaged area of the spine as well as treat scoliosis. This is also called a “Milwaukee Brace.”

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