BROOKE ARTESI, CPO, LPO – Owner of Sunshine P&O

Brooke Artesi has been in the field of  Orthotics and Prosthetics for over 20 years.   She is licensed by the New Jersey Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics and Certified in Prosthetics and Orthotics by the American Board for Certification in Prosthetics and Orthotics (ABC).

O&P News 175 named Brooke one of the Innovators in the field of Orthotics & Prosthetics. Brooke is also the President of the NJ Chapter of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists.

As an amputee, Brooke has a personal understanding of her patients’ needs and stresses the importance of activity.   She is passionate about her volunteer work as an adult amputee counselor and mentor at Camp No Limits, a camp for children with limb loss, always encouraging others to reach their potential and remain active.

An outdoor activity enthusiast, Brooke has competed in the Extremity Games, organized by the Athletes with Disabilities Network (ADN),  for which she has won awards in both rock climbing and kayaking. She serves on the Board of Directors for No Limits Limb Loss Association which funds Camp No Limits, and serves as a volunteer counselor to them as well as being a Certified Peer Visitor for the Amputee Coalition of America.

Originally a Fine Arts Major with a specialty in sculpting, Brooke moved on to get her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology at Rutgers University.  With an eye for design, and an understanding of science, she completed her post-graduate work at the University of Hartford for the Newington Certificate Program in Orthotics and Prosthetics (NCP).

Constantly expanding her expertise and training, Brooke is the only Northern New Jersey certified Prosthetist for the ILimb Ultra  by TouchBionics.

Brooke is available for speaking engagements. Brooke@SunshinePandO.com



Natalie has joined the Sunshine P&O team, bringing 26 years of experience in Pedorthics.  She graduated from Ramapo College of NJ in 1983 and went on to get the American Board for Certification in Pedorthics in 1994.  Pedorthics is the management and treatment of conditions of the foot, ankle, and lower extremities which require fitting, fabricating, and adjusting of footwear.

Credentialed pedorthists select, modify and fabricate orthotics for shoes to help people maintain or regain as much mobility as possible.  Natalie has trained in footwear fitting, lower extremity orthotic design, manufacture and materials and shoe construction and modification, She is skilled in designing and fabricating orthotics for shoes as well as selecting and modifying shoes so your orthotics work effectively. Asked why she chose pedorthics, Natalie said,  “I get to help people while working with my hands.  It’s the best of both worlds.”

When not at work, Natalie enjoys spending time with her family.

“Helping my patients regain mobility with prosthetics and orthotics is what I was meant to do.  My whole life experience led up to the moment of opening my own practice.”   –  Brooke Artesi, CPO, LPO