do-all-the-things-you-are-capable-of-sunshine-prosthetics-and-orthoticsIn this last week of 2014, it’s time to reflect on all we did and all we have ahead of us.  At Sunshine, we’ve knocked down walls and are expanding with some great new services to be revealed.  We’ve added our new 3D Scanner – the latest hi-tech equipment to make scanning quicker and hassle-free for fitting prosthetic and orthotic devices.  We’ve also been certified to custom fit the latest prosthetic limbs like the iWalk PowerFoot Bionic Ankle System and the Ottobock Michelangelo myoelectric prosthetic hand.  It’s an exciting time in the development of new strengths and capabilities in artificial limbs!  We’ve also added a brand new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section to our website and welcome any questions from our visitors.
dont limit  your challenges
As always, we’re here to help and encourage and provide supportive resources for those needing prosthetic or orthotic devices and their families in areas such as sports, education, therapy, grants and advocacy.

We hope you’ve been following our Motivation Monday posts on Facebook, Google+, Instagram or Twitter.  Feel free to share your own motivational sayings.

 Have a safe and fulfilling New Year. 

Stay active in mind, body and spirit!